Thursday, April 30, 2009

I must go to India...

If you follow Angie Smith's blog, or Beth Moore's blog, you may have seen them writing on a group of bloggers going to India. Angie Smith (wife of Todd Smith of MUST read her blog, it is wonderful) and Melissa Moore Fitzpatrick (Beth's daughter) are in India with several others for Compassion International. I need to go. I need to be impacted like they are by the realities of this world. I am closed up here in my tidy little world. I worry about my weight, my hair, my clothes, my home, my friendships, my kids, my finances, etc. In a world where people are impoverished and are thankful for food, for shelter, and for health-wretched as it all may be-I should be ashamed of my own selfishness. And I am. Mostly I am ashamed of how closed off my mind is. How it is utterly filled with thoughts of self. MY happiness. MY contentment. MY needs. MY wants. Puke. It is all sickening. If for one moment I could smell and see and taste the despair of people who need Christ then per chance I could really know true contentment. Like in my heart...deep within...contentment. Or perhaps it would cause me to despair of my own wretchedness all the more. Or maybe it would change my life forever and Keith and I would pack it all in and give it all up to go ANYWHERE for the cause of Christ. I mean, Little Rock Arkansas? Sure...we gave some precious things up to come here. But it ain't India folks. I don't know the first degree of counting the cost. Well, maybe a degree. It hurt like nothing else to leave behind our precious friendships. is all only stuff...a house, a church, a job. It was dipping in our toe to the waters. I long to go deeper. I pray God allows us...entrusts go deeper. I am willing to shed this stuff. Stuff is heavy. Stuff is a burden. Don't get me wrong...I am thankful for my stuff...mostly. I just don't want my stuff to matter more than obedience. I realize I need a change of perspective and I'd rather God NOT have to give it to me via pain and suffering. I would rather choose to see things differently via His giving me the opportunity to know life outside of these four walls. SO...Lord, this is my prayer...that You will open a door for me to see You in a new light and that You will open the doors to go deeper with You into the water sweet Jesus.

Love you all~M.


Beck Family said...

It is so true M, I get wrapped up too. We have grown in trust with Him this year in ways words can't even do justice but I still think we must do more. I've been trying to think of my life in seasons, like in Ecclesiastes talking about a time for everything. I know my time now is to be right where I am, God confirms that for us over and over but I long to do more for Him in a more drastic, interesting way. God shows me there is plenty to be done right where I am. For I know this season will too soon be over and the next will come. Patiently waiting on the Lord. Those blogs you mentioned sound wonderful, I'll have to tune in and maybe it will help fill that place in me. Your blogs always make me think sister, Thanks. Love you-Chelle

Stacy Brown said...

I have missed you writing on your blog...enjoyed your stiring thoughts. It's so easy to get wrapped up in our own world of what I don't have that I want....but we could never imagine the despair of those really in need. Even here in the inner city, we take them lunches and bring them gifts at different occasions, but we can not fathom the truth of poor, diseased & homeless. We must pray to see those in need through the compassionate heart of Jesus and do what we can to touch them in whatever way we can. The key is not to always be too busy to take the time...